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New TDI research on facilitating values work in team science

TDI researchers Dr. Bethany Laursen, Dr. Chad Gonnerman, and Dr. Steve Crowley just published an open access article about the Toolbox approach to dialogue and how it can and does assist environmental science teams in navigating plural values. The article also describes how the TDI

TDI on the global stage again at i2insights

TDI members and book co-editors Graham Hubbs, Michael O’Rourke and Steve Orzack discuss the Toolbox approach to the "Problem of Unacknowledged Differences" in their blog post at These differences arise because members of different disciplines read different literatures, acquire different skill sets & learn

TDI integration discussed at i2Insights blog

Dr. Stephen Crowley and Dr. Graham Hubbs discuss TDI’s IPO model of integration at the Integration and Implementation Insights (i2Insights) blog hosted by Dr. Gabriele Bammer. Their post reviews some of the conceptual challenges that arise when speaking of integration and sketches the IPO model’s

New article shows how Toolbox instruments prompt focus group discussions

The article, “Using a survey to initiate and sustain productive dialogue in focus groups," was recently published in the International Journal of Social Research Methodology. The authors describe the use of the Toolbox instrument as a survey to stimulate dialogue and how this approach might