New TDI research on facilitating values work in team science
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New TDI research on facilitating values work in team science

New TDI research on facilitating values work in team science

TDI researchers Dr. Bethany Laursen, Dr. Chad Gonnerman, and Dr. Steve Crowley just published an open access article about the Toolbox approach to dialogue and how it can and does assist environmental science teams in navigating plural values. The article also describes how the TDI approach can be improved and complemented by many additional facilitation tools to be even more effective in such work. Join the dozens of people who have already downloaded the article, and get your copy now!


Laursen, B. K., Gonnerman, C., & Crowley, S. J. (2021). Improving philosophical dialogue interventions to better resolve problematic value pluralism in collaborative environmental science. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A87, 54–71.